Stasi murder in Berlin: they wanted to go on a school trip and witnessed the murder

DFor many ninth or tenth graders, a trip to Berlin is a highlight of their school days. Walking through the Brandenburg Gate, admiring the bustle of the streets and the extensive metro and S-Bahn network, you become convinced that one day you will want to live here, at least for a while. Or, on the contrary, for nothing in the world.

50 years ago everything was exactly the same. That’s how much time has passed since the 10th grade of Bad Hersfeld High School went to the big, then still divided city. 35 young people spent several days in West Berlin and visited the eastern part on Friday. It was this day, March 29, 1974, that made the students’ trip from Bad Hersfeld to Berlin unforgettable. It can be assumed that at least three of them – Hannah, Petra and Martina – would give anything to be able to forget the events of that day.

Source: Frantfurter Allgemeine

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