WAdditional millions of euros for top-class sports, but tougher demands on the federal government’s planned independent agency for the control and development of top-class sports – this was the result of an adjustment meeting of the Bundestag budget committee that continued late on Thursday. evening.
Including commitment authorizations for the next few years, the federal government wants to allocate approximately ten million euros for the Equestrian World Championships in Aachen and the Rhythmic Gymnastics World Championships in Berlin in 2026, as well as for qualification and preparation for the Olympic Games. in Paris in 2024. On October 18, the Budget Committee had already allocated €15.3 million to fund top-level sport affected by the cuts.
A setback in the top sport funding reform is a €200,000 budget line earmarked for the sports agency. It includes only a third of what the Ministry of Internal Affairs planned to create the so-called Independent Agency, and moreover, it is blocked. “I consider the creation of a budget name for the agency an important step,” SPD MP Martin Gerster, a member of the budget committee, commented to FAZ: “The creation of an agency is still possible, but within certain limits.”
To lift the ban, the Budget Committee calls for “proper and long-term parliamentary oversight of the work of the sports agency” as well as setting goals for elite sport reform.
Source: Frantfurter Allgemeine
I am a sports journalist with over 10 years of experience covering news, events and stories from around the world. I have written for several online news outlets and have also been published in print magazines. I am currently working as an author at the World Herald News, where I cover primarily sports-related stories.