Energy Storage: A Gap Filler

WITHSun and wind are not always present where electricity is needed. Currently, natural gas makes up for the shortfall, but Germany has the largest storage capacity in Europe – about 25 billion cubic meters. The gas is stored in huge underground cavities washed out of salt domes. The same warehouses could one day be filled with hydrogen or compressed air, since it is also suitable for storing energy without expensive electrolysis.

The first new compressed air storage system is planned to go into operation in Ahaus, Münsterland, in 2027. There are four caves there, which until recently were used as natural gas storage facilities. Powerful compressors produce compressed air using electricity, which has no buyers. While such instances of electricity prices going negative are still rare, in 2023 the effect lasted a total of 301 hours. But as generating capacity increases, the need to balance supply and demand increases.

Source: Frantfurter Allgemeine

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